what does your dreams means
Interpretation of dream: Tranquillity

Tranquillity is sought by all those such as the ascetic or monk who search for the spiritual within themselves. Known by many names, it is one concept which spans all religions, and is the ?peace which passeth all understanding?. As a sanctuary from the hurly burly of waking life, tranquillity in dreams can be encouraged by choosing to empty the mind of daily concerns before sleep. This gives the dreaming mind the ability to work more efficiently to process the material of the unconscious and reach for true peace. Tranquil environments and landscapes in dreams have the facility to allow us to rebalance ourselves and our mental processes. Stress in daily life requires us to take in more and more information and at a certain point chaotic dreams can often be contrasted or followed with peaceful ones as though the mind is demonstrating the possibilities. You might also like to consult the entries for Ascetic, Chaos, Landscape and Monk.