what does your dreams means
Interpretation of dream: Places

In the sense that a place suggests a ?spot?, places appearing in dreams allow us to orientate ourselves in order to make the best use of information we are given. Interpreting the symbolism of certain places gives us an insight into our own ?inner landscape?. A place that becomes fertile or lighter in the course of the dream indicates that an aspect that we have not previously appreciated or have found unpleasant is now developing possibilities and potentials, possibly for spiritual development. Dreary, unfriendly places, or tranquil favourable landscapes may well refer to our subjective view of the world. To find such landscapes changing in the course of a dream suggests that our attitudes are changing. The country where the dream takes place may have certain resonances for the dreamer. For example,America for most people will signify a rather brash, commercially oriented culture, England tends to be seen as inhibited and dutiful, while France will represent the temperamental masculine, and so on. Other places that offer information for consideration are as follows: