what does your dreams means
Interpretation of dream: Orgy

An orgy was initially an esoteric religious ritual, characterized by wild dancing, singing and drinking. It has, therefore, from a spiritual perspective, come to mean any spiritual excess. Behaviour that would not necessarily be appropriate in ordinary, everyday life can be used in dreams to balance a difficulty. Since many people struggle with their self image, which can be closely connected with their sexuality, dreaming of an orgy or licentious behaviour can indicate the way in which we can release the blocked energy. An orgy relates to a tremendous release of energy, which can take place when we give ourselves permission to access our own basic passion. This permission will often be given subconsciously first, and can be expressed in dreams more fully than we would allow ourselves to do in everyday life. To dream of an orgy can also highlight the way we relate to other people. The need for other people to love and understand us is quite strong and, when seen as an orgy, can perhaps indicate that we are afraid of loss of control. While most people will think of an orgy as being sexual in nature, in dreams it is more about letting go of our inhibitions. In a woman's dream an orgy may show her a way of releasing her emotional hang-ups, whereas for a man it may be more about being able to express himself properly.