what does your dreams means
Interpretation of dream: Ignite

The symbol of igniting a light or fire represents the beginning of an exploration of the Spiritual realms. Kundalini the energy of consciousness or spiritual energy is perceived as heat at the base of the spine, which may be intensely hot or pleasantly warm. Dreams often picture a spontaneous awakening when the energy, having been ignited, travels up the spine to the top of the head, bringing certain awarenesses along the way. When the ignition on a car will not fire properly we have not been able to provide the emotional ?spark? that allows us to begin a journey or task. When a huge conflagration, such as a forest fire, is ignited in dreams it symbolizes passion. When we are reigniting a fire we must return to and perhaps adjust our original ideas. More mundanely, dreaming ofigniting or lighting a fire suggests that an initial surge of energy or power is needed to start a project or task. In this case what we use to begin the burning will be important. A match might suggest less effort than a firebrand, for instance. Consult the entries for Car, Fire, Light and Spark for further clarification.