what does your dreams means
Interpretation of dream: Ascending

We are searching for spiritual awareness. Ascension is an altered state of consciousness which can occur as a result of meditation and spiritual practices. Ascension frequently follows the experience of a descent into the Underworld. In dreams it is seen as acceptable and real and is often accompanied by symbols of Paradise. We are becoming conscious of being able to exercise control over passion or sexual pleasure. The transition from expressing our energy through sex to expressing it in self-awareness is often shown as ascending. The act of Ascension is a breakthrough to a new spiritual plane which transcends the state of being human. It is an awareness of different levels of concentration, which give a fresh perspective to being human. If we are climbing stairs, or going up in an elevator or lift, we are making a movement towards waking or becoming more aware; we are making an escape from anxiety or being down to earth and are freeing ourselves from physical constraints.