what does your dreams means
Interpretation of dream: Flowers

Spiritually flowers signify love and compassion, both that which we may receive and that which we give to others. The feminine principle is often represented in dreams by flowers, as is childhood. The bud represents the potential available, while the opening flower indicates development. To be given a bouquet - and the colour of the flowers may be important - means that we are being rewarded for an action, perhaps a spiritual offering of some sort. Each individual flower has a particular symbolism in dreams and below are just a few. These meanings arise from often ancient symbolism. Anenome - forsaken by love. Arum Lily - intensity of love and nowadays also mourning. Bluebell - humility. Buttercup - childishness, innocent action. Carnation - fascination. Clove - the Holy Trinity, completion. Chrysanthemum - cheerfulness and friendship. Daffodil - deceitful in love. Daisy - wakefulness and awareness. Forget-me-not - memories of true love. Forsythia - anticipation of good times. Geranium - foolishness. Honeysuckle - affectionate ties. Iris - courage, faith and hope. Jasmine - charming and loveable. Lime/Linden - married love. Marigold - trouble and jealousy. Mistletoe - clinging affection. Myrtle - love and marriage. Narcissus - selfishness and egotism. Peony - shame and distress. Poppy - sleep and sweet oblivion. Primrose - total devotion. Rose - love, and perhaps a wedding. Snowdrop - consolation. Tulip - the perfect lover. Violet - modesty and faithfulness. Flowers in a dream usually give us the opportunity to link to feelings of pleasure and beauty. We are aware that something new, perhaps a feeling or ability, is beginning to come into being and that there is a freshness about what we are doing. Also consult the entry for Colour and Garden.