what does your dreams means
Interpretation of dream: Car

The car is very often representative of our own personal space, an extension of our being. It also stands for spiritual direction and motivation. Dream scenarios involving cars are often much to do with what we are doing to ourselves on a psychological or emotional level. Being alone in a vehicle indicates independence, while dreaming of the brakes shows our ability to be in control. The car engine indicates the essential drives with which we have to deal. A crashing vehicle suggests fear of failure in life, while a car on fire denotes stress of some sort, either physically or emotionally. To be in a car which is driven carelessly, either by us or someone else, marks a lack of responsibility, while a feeling of being left behind would be shown by your car being overtaken. To dream of reversing a car registers a feeling that we are slipping backwards into old patterns of behaviour or are having to reverse a decision. To dream of being in a car usually alerts us to our own motivation, thus driving the car can indicate our need to achieve a goal, while being a passenger could indicate that we have handed over responsibility for our lives to someone else. You may find it helpful to read the entries for Journey and Transport.